An appraisal is a survey and evaluation of the existing characteristics of a site/building and surroundings where key constraints and opportunities are identified and where the focus is fixed firmly on the assessment of development prospects. Site Appraisals are commissioned pre-acquisition or prior to embarking on an expensive planning process.
According to client instructions but generally the principal development constraints and opportunities are appraised such as boundary treatments, adjoining land uses, development density, layout form and context, potential access, sustainable accessibility, surrounding road network, daylight/sunlight issues, proximity to nuisance causing operations, flood risk, habitat and protected species, archaeology, trees protected trees and landscape designations, important views, ground conditions, heritage of listed buildings, non-listed buildings and conservation areas, drainage and topography.
Contemporary planning policy applicable to the site/buildings is given high level consideration.
The appraisal will focus on criteria most relevant to the client with an appropriate level of detail according to the instruction.
Drone Surveys
With fully qualified UAV pilots, Artisan can undertake a drone survey of your site.